These two pictures was taken at Padang Hang near Alor Setar. It was the harvesting season and this scenery is a normal view during the season. The sea of green during the planting season gradually turn yellowish and golden yellow when the padi plant starts to ripen and ready for harvesting.

Most of the fields were harvested and in the background is the Gunong Keriang. Gunung Keriang is a limestone hill and the only hill on the vast flat paddy land. Folklore has it to say that this hill was a ship that was cursed by a bird "Sang Kelembai" who gets angry because his hand to offer marriage was turned down. Therefore this ship was cursed at dock while a marriage ceremony was in process. If one were to climb the hill there can be found caves and one of them is the "Gua Pelamin" or the wedding throne cave.
Once communities around this hill can borrow cutlery and coooking utensils from the cave for wedding ceremonies but due to people who are not sincere, these utensils turn into stones.
Both pictures above was taken using Canon 1000D.